The International Declaration on the
Human Rights of Children in the Digital Age

The dramatic transformation of our world into one increasingly enmeshed with digital technology is having a significant, and often negative, impact on the lives of our children.
In this International Declaration, we posit three fundamental legal rights of children regarding the deployment and use of technology: their right to be free from intentionally addictive devices, platforms and apps; their right to be free from excessive exposure to wireless radiation; and their right to be free from commercial exploitation.
The existence of the legal rights of children is well recognized, but not adequately or uniformly enforced, especially when those rights conflict with powerful commercial interests. We invite you to join us in this effort to raise awareness of these fundamental rights, and to encourage governments and agencies around the world to recognize these rights and take protective action.
Thank you for joining with thousands of medical, scientific, and legal professionals from around the world in supporting the International Declaration on the Rights of Children in the Digital Age. The Declaration is a joint project of the Broadband International Legal Action Network and Americans for Responsible Technology, and an international team of medical, legal and mental health experts whose contributions are gratefully acknowledged.
The Declaration, with the initial signatory list, was delivered to the Secretary General of the United Nations on World Children's Day, November 20, 2023.
Additional copies of the Declaration with updated signatory lists will be provided to other world organizations throughout the year as the number of signatories grows.
Upcoming Delivery Dates
UN Human Rights Council
February 12, 2024
Meeting of the European Council
March 21, 2024
UN Economic and Social Council
April 9, 2024
World Health Organization
77th World Assembly
May 27, 2024
International Children's Day
June 9, 2024

Patti Wood of Americans for Responsible Technology with the Declaration at the UN Headquarters on World Children's Day, November 20, 2023.

The Declaration ready for delivery to the UN. More deliveries of the Declaraiton are planned throughout 2024.